At O’Preve we like the natural, therefore, olive oil has become an indispensable ingredient in our sauces since the aroma and softness it provides makes them tasty and unmistakable.

Some of these benefits for human health, in relation to the antioxidant properties that already have their high richness in micronutrients, seem to indicate that they exert incredible preventive effects against many serious diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, and that it helps to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
Although the effects that olive oil has on our health are incredible, we should not increase its consumption. Nor consume it excessively since it has a very high caloric intake. What you have to do is improve the quality of this consumption by replacing it with the saturated fats that other foods and sauces contain, thus being very harmful to our health.
The use of olive oil in our O’Preve Sauces makes us differentiate ourselves from other brands that use other types of oils that provide saturated fat. They cause the quality of the product to decrease and worse, they are harmful to our health. An example of oil used in many companies and that are very harmful to health is palm oil, used in many products.
One of the reasons for its use is that due to its cost it can be up to 80% cheaper than olive oil and also given that due to its consistency it does not liquefy like other oils and fats, which must be refrigerated to keep properly , thus being a great advantage when creating your product for many companies.
All this means that we have a greater interest in this product being part of our sauces, because we think about the health of our customers and that our sauces have quality with a unique and natural flavor.
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